Top 6 Ways to Identify and Fix a Toxic Culture at Work

Due to the pandemics from the last two years, most of us started working remotely.  In-offices requirements have been changed and adjusted as well. And some workers have reevaluated their entire careers.

According to a survey, more than 30% of employees are seriously looking for a job change and are not fully satisfied with their jobs. or their job cultures. The company culture doesn’t treat them well and finally, they are looking for a job change. Toxic work culture can lead to a hilarious change in the company’s growth and development.

An organization’s work culture is an important factor in recruiting and retaining talent. A healthy culture keeps, nurtures, and empowers the talent of their organization, while a toxic culture drives them away. 

Organizational culture also has a solid impact on employee well-being.

The behaviour of some employees that lead to a toxic culture is easily identified and clearly seen, but some can be unclear, hidden, and difficult to understand. 

Most people are not aware of their own toxic behaviours. Sometimes we have seen that people who experience toxic behaviours usually feel hesitant to speak it out.

Signs of a Toxic Culture

Usually, we humans have a common habit of ignoring the red flags. But we must not ignore these signs so that we can make our organization free from such toxicity.

It is important to be attentive towards destructive behaviors that become the norm and can harm the company’s work culture.

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is a skill expressed by understanding the feelings of others and acting accordingly. Employees who lack empathy often disregard their co-workers’ opinions, thoughts, and feelings, and sometimes their behavior can hurt very badly to others. This results in an atmosphere of fear and mistrust.

The only way to prevent this is that team Leaders must lead with compassion, becoming role models for prioritizing the feelings of others in the actions we take. During the important decision making process, consider the perspective of others. By practicing empathy in your daily routine, you will choose the best for your employees and as well as for your organization. From this, your employees will learn how to show empathy and will do the same.

Tips to Change the Toxic Culture at Work

1. Identify Risks at an Early Stage

The first step is to identify the risks at an early stage and start working positively towards them. If we know the problem at an early stage, we can easily handle it by making small changes in a positive direction.

2. Take Responsibility

If you see something is not right, such as a safety issue, security breaches, take responsibility rather than waiting for someone else to sort the problem out. If you will take responsibility on your own it will boost the confidence of others also.

The power of being vocal about the problem is the best thing to do and by doing this you can take the initiative of taking the responsibility.

3. Keep Monitoring

By proper monitoring and reviewing the work culture we can reduce the risk of a toxic culture at our workplace.

If we regularly monitor it, we can easily face the upcoming challenges and can take the appropriate action when the time comes. So, it is important to have proper monitoring at your workplace.

Keep your employees engaged with this so that they can also find out what causes the toxicity at the workplace and can work positively towards it.

By regular reviewing and monitoring, we can easily detect the problem and can work on it before it changes into a toxic culture.

Even if you think you have a positive work culture, it’s always a good idea to monitor current levels of satisfaction. By doing different surveys, taking feedback from employees will give you the reality check of the current situation.

4. Use Appropriate Strategies to Manage the Toxic Culture

By using the appropriate strategies, we can manage the toxic culture at the workstation. Communication is the key to any problem, communicate with the employees so that they can discuss their problems without any hesitation.

If we know the root cause of a problem, we can work on it by planning an appropriate strategy.

5. Clear your Organization’s Values

Every organization dreams of having a positive work culture at their place. Almost all companies start out with a positive approach towards the culture. Some teams understand the strategy and the values behind the company’s mission and vision and they try to give their 100% so that their efforts must align with those values.

But due to some reasons, if your culture has turned toxic, it’s the right time to give a clear detail of some of those values and remind your employees of what the company is trying to achieve.

It’s always better to clear the mission and vision of your organization so that employees can also work on it and know how important it is for the organization.

6. Find the Cause of Toxic Culture

It is very important to know what is the cause of toxic culture at your workplace. It can be any problem in your organization, such as overwork or lack of recognition, or anything that discomforts the employees and ends up creating a toxic culture. Your culture will never improve unless you start working on these issues. But if you know the problem and start working on it then it helps you to decrease the toxicity at the workplace.

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